FUELL started with the unexpected encounter and Franco-American convergence between Erik Buell, Frédéric Vasseur, and François-Xavier Terny. The unifying idea: to create an urban mobility solution for cities, which is currently the best application of electric powertrains. The founders combined their experience and competences to invent a genuinely new experience entirely focused in the urban rider's needs.
Erik Is the Founder, former Chairman and CTO of the Buell Motorcycle Company, which eventually merged with Harley-Davidson from 1993 to 2009.
Erik is a pioneer of modern race motorcycle technology, as well as a world class engineer and inventor. He created some of the most innovative and usable motorcycles to date, using inventions like a hollow aluminum frame to house the fuel and create chassis rigidity, or a hollow swing arm to house the oil. More than 130,000 motorcycles with the Buell name have been produced to date.
François-Xavier began his professional path in 1991 as a strategic consultant with Bain & Co, then created his own consulting firm, Masaï, in 1996 as a firm specializing in cost optimization. Masaï enjoyed rapid growth, addressing a growing concern within corporations for cost control and cost optimization. Since 2008, François-Xavier continued his path as an entrepreneur, investing time and money in several start-ups including motorcycle ventures. With an advanced take on design and new ideas and approaches to manufacturing, sales, marketing and distribution, he brings design directions, disruptive thinking and operational management to FUELL.